Ahead of the technical test
next month, Sumo Nottingham and publisher Gun Interactive have revealed an
all-new behind-the-scenes look at the making of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre.
Featuring Sumo Nottingham’s Art
Director Kelvin Tuite, Design Director Kelvin Moore, Project Audio Director and
Composer Ross Tregenza and Lead Concept Artist for the game, Dave Paget, the
video takes us behind the scenes of adapting this iconic film.
Our team in Nottingham are joined
by their publishing partners at Gun
Interactive, including CEO Wes Keltner, Creative Director Ronnie Hobbs, Executive
Producer Ismael Vicens and Designer/Producer, Robert Fox, II.
You can watch the featurette below:
The Texas Chain Saw Massacre will
have its technical test on the 25th of May and will release for Steam,
PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series, and Xbox One and Xbox Game Pass on
the 18th of August.
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