Amy Elliot, Junior Programmer is described by her team as a key player who brings fearlessness, an enthusiasm for learning and exceptional skill to her role and the wider team.
Congratulations, Amy – we’re so proud of you and excited to see what more you achieve in your career.
I had an incredible time at Develop:Brighton on Wednesday and Thursday, and an unforgettable time at the Develop: Star Awards, where I won the Tomorrow’s Star Award!
I was completely caught off guard and didn’t have a speech prepared, so I missed the chance to share my passion for advocating for more women in coding roles within the games industry. I would love to see more women in senior technical positions, which I hope to get to myself one day!
The conference was a great opportunity to meet up with friends and learn lots of new things, and I left feeling so inspired after two days of learning and networking! ❤️